In a shocking turn of events, Dr. Francis Martinis, a well-known figure from the reality TV series “Below Deck,” along with his wife Jessica, finds themselves in legal trouble. They stand accused of involvement in an illicit prescription pill scheme, specifically, the impersonation of cast members for illegal drug acquisition. In this article, we will delve into the details of this arrest and uncover more about Dr. Francis Martinis and Jessica’s alleged actions.
The Arrest of Below Deck Doctor
Urologist Francis Martinis and Jessica Martinis were arraigned in New York in December, facing serious charges related to a fake opioid prescription scheme. The charges include criminal sale of a prescription for a controlled substance and falsifying business records. It’s important to note that both individuals pleaded not guilty to these allegations.
The accusations against them are quite troubling. Prosecutors claim that Dr. Francis Martinis, aged 55, sent oxycodone prescriptions to pharmacies using the names of “Below Deck” cast members. Meanwhile, Jessica, aged 38, allegedly picked up the drugs and paid for them in cash. The investigation into their activities began when Jessica attempted to fill a prescription in someone else’s name in January 2023, raising suspicions. Subsequent investigations uncovered multiple fake prescriptions written by Francis, none intended for the named individuals.
This arrest raises serious concerns about a medical professional’s involvement in illicit drug diversion. The Martinises, however, maintain their innocence, with their attorney, Peter Crusco, vehemently asserting that the charges against them are baseless. The case is set to proceed to court, where they aim to clear their names and resolve this unusual and troubling episode connected to the world of reality TV.
Who is Dr. Francis Martinis?
Dr. Francis Martinis is a familiar face to fans of “Below Deck Mediterranean.” He is a urologist from Long Island who has become embroiled in a scandal involving counterfeit prescriptions. Alongside his wife Jessica, Dr. Martinis is accused of impersonating cast members of “Below Deck” to illegally obtain prescription painkillers.
This scandal has been brewing for nearly a year, and while the specific charges against the couple have not been explicitly mentioned, they are being held responsible for their actions, which involved using the identities of “Below Deck” cast members. This unexpected controversy has cast a shadow on the show’s regular challenges and dramas.
Who is Jessica Martinis?
Jessica Martinis, the wife of Dr. Francis Martinis, has also come under the spotlight due to her alleged involvement in a prescription pill scheme connected to the cast of “Below Deck.” As the spouse of the Long Island urologist, 38-year-old Jessica is accused of impersonating cast members of “Below Deck” to obtain oxycodone illegally.
While the specifics of Jessica’s role in the urology practices are not entirely clear, reports suggest that she attempted to fill fake oxycodone prescriptions, which triggered an investigation into the couple’s activities. The president of Dr. Frank’s urology practices stated that he had not seen patients for over a year.
Jessica and her husband appeared on two seasons of “Below Deck Sailing Yacht” and “Below Deck Mediterranean,” where they faced backlash for their behavior on the show. Despite the accusations against them, the couple maintains their innocence and is scheduled to return to court on January 25.
About “Below Deck”
“Below Deck” is an American reality TV series that made its debut on Bravo on July 1, 2013. The show, currently in its 10th season, offers viewers a glimpse into the lives of crew members living and working on a luxurious superyacht during charter season. Each episode, running for approximately 42 minutes, captures the challenges and dynamics among the crew as they cater to the needs of high-profile guests.
The series is produced by companies like 51 Minds Entertainment and Endemol and has enjoyed considerable success, with 154 episodes aired to date. The executive producers of the show include Mark Cronin, Courtland Cox, Nadine Rajabi, Lauren Simms, Rebecca Henning, James Bruce, and Elise Duran.
“Below Deck” has also spawned several spin-offs, such as “Below Deck Mediterranean,” “Below Deck Sailing Yacht,” “Below Deck Down Under,” and “Below Deck Adventure.” These spin-offs offer viewers a diverse range of maritime experiences while showcasing the unique challenges faced by yacht crews in the world of luxury chartering.
Where to Watch “Below Deck”
For those interested in catching up on “Below Deck,” the show is available on Netflix. This reality TV series, which premiered in 2013, provides a captivating look into the lives of crew members on a luxurious superyacht during charter season. It presents the challenges and dynamics among the crew as they cater to the needs of high-profile guests.
With 10 seasons and several spin-offs like “Below Deck Mediterranean” and “Below Deck Sailing Yacht,” “Below Deck” has become a popular and enduring addition to the reality TV landscape.
Below Deck Doctor Arrested – FAQs
- What charges do Dr. Francis Martinis and Jessica Martinis face?
The couple faces charges of criminal sale of a prescription for a controlled substance and falsifying business records in connection to an alleged fake opioid prescription scheme. - Which reality TV shows did Dr. Francis and Jessica Martinis appear on?
The couple appeared on “Below Deck Mediterranean” and “Below Deck Sailing Yacht.” - What is the accusation against Dr. Francis Martinis?
Dr. Francis is accused of transmitting fake oxycodone prescriptions to pharmacies using the names of “Below Deck” cast members. - Where can “Below Deck” be watched?
“Below Deck” can be watched on Netflix. - When did “Below Deck” premiere?
“Below Deck” premiered on Bravo on July 1, 2013.
In conclusion, the arrest of Dr. Francis Martinis and Jessica Martinis has sent shockwaves through the world of reality TV. As the legal proceedings unfold, the allegations against them continue to be a matter of public interest and discussion.