Terms & Conditions

In the ever-evolving digital landscape, it’s essential for users to be well-informed about the terms and conditions when they visit a website. At News Dekha, we are committed to providing you with a seamless and secure experience. Let’s delve into the key aspects of our terms and conditions.

Acceptance of Terms and Conditions

When you access our website at https://www.newsdekha.com/, it is implied that you agree to abide by the terms and conditions outlined here. If you do not consent to these terms, we kindly request that you refrain from using our platform.

Clarifying Terminology

Before we proceed, let’s clarify some essential terminology:

  • Client, You, Your: Refers to you, the user of News Dekha’s website, who complies with our terms and conditions.
  • The Company, Ourselves, We, Our, Us: Refers to News Dekha as a company.
  • Party, Parties: Refers to both the client (you) and News Dekha.
  • Terms: Refers to the rules and regulations discussed in this document.

The Role of Cookies

To enhance user experience, we utilize cookies, in accordance with News Dekha’s Privacy Policy. Cookies are commonly used on interactive websites to facilitate the retrieval of user details during each visit. Some of our affiliate and advertising partners may also employ cookies.

License Agreement

News Dekha and its licensors retain all intellectual property rights for the content on our website. Users are granted access for personal use only, subject to the restrictions specified in our terms and conditions.

You must refrain from:

  • Republishing material from News Dekha
  • Selling, renting, or sub-licensing material from News Dekha
  • Reproducing, duplicating, or copying material from News Dekha
  • Redistributing content from News Dekha

Commenting and Interaction

Certain sections of our website allow users to post and exchange opinions and information. It’s important to note that News Dekha does not pre-filter or edit comments before they appear on the website. Comments reflect the views of the individuals who post them, and we are not responsible for their content.

We reserve the right to monitor and remove inappropriate, offensive, or non-compliant comments. By posting comments on our website, you warrant that you have the necessary licenses and consents to do so and that your comments do not infringe upon intellectual property rights or contain unlawful material.

Hyperlinking to Our Content

Various organizations, including government agencies, search engines, and news organizations, are welcome to link to our website without prior approval. However, certain guidelines apply:

  • The link should not be deceptive or imply sponsorship or endorsement.
  • It must fit within the context of the linking party’s site.

Other types of organizations may also request link approval, and we will consider these requests based on similar criteria.

Limitations and Responsibilities

We do not assume responsibility for the content that appears on external websites linked to News Dekha. Users are expected to defend us against any claims arising from content on their websites that could be considered libelous, obscene, or unlawful.

Your Privacy Matters

Please review our Privacy Policy for information on how we handle your data.

Reserved Rights

We reserve the right to request the removal of any links to our website and to amend these terms and conditions as needed. By continuously linking to our website, you agree to adhere to these linking terms and conditions.

Removal of Offensive Links

Should you come across any offensive links on our website, please contact us at support@newsdekha.com or use our contact form. While we will consider removal requests, we are not obligated to respond directly.


We aim to provide accurate and up-to-date information on our website, but we do not guarantee its correctness or availability. Please read our full disclaimer for additional details.

Should you need to contact us, you can reach us via email at support@newsdekha.com or by using our contact form.