John J. York, renowned for his portrayal on General Hospital, has recently shared significant health-related news. Through a video posted on the platform “X,” he disclosed to his fans that he is currently grappling with two blood and bone marrow disorders: myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) and multiple smoldering myeloma. These conditions directly impact his blood cells and bone marrow, necessitating a temporary departure from his role on the show as he embarks on a treatment journey.
In recent months, John J. York has undergone a series of bone marrow biopsies and chemotherapy sessions to combat these challenging disorders. Additionally, he is actively engaged in the quest for a potential donor for a blood stem cell transplant. To facilitate this endeavor, he has partnered with an organization known as “Be The Match.” While his hiatus from General Hospital is anticipated to span several months, he wishes to reassure his devoted fan base that this is not a permanent farewell. He remains deeply appreciative of their unwavering support, encourages them to contemplate becoming potential donors, and pledges to keep them updated regarding his ongoing progress.
Welcome Lucille Jane! Grand baby #2👼🏻❤️🙏
— John J York (@JohnJYork) June 16, 2019
General Hospital’s John J. York Takes a Hiatus and Provides a Health Update – FAQs
1. What is the current health status of John J. York?
John J. York is currently contending with two blood and bone marrow disorders: myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) and multiple smoldering myeloma. He is undergoing treatment and actively seeking a suitable blood stem cell donor.
2. Could you provide insights into John J. York’s professional career?
John J. York is an esteemed American actor renowned for his portrayal of Mac Scorpio on General Hospital. Throughout his career, he has also made appearances in various television series and films.
3. What can you share about the early life of John J. York?
John J. York was born in Chicago, attended Brother Rice Christian Brothers High School, and has six siblings. He commenced his acting career in the early 1980s and achieved recognition for his role in the Fox series “Werewolf.”
4. What does John J. York’s personal life entail?
John J. York has been married to Vickie Manners since 1986, and the couple has a daughter named Schyler. In 2023, they relocated to Tennessee to be closer to their daughter and her family.
5. Could you highlight some notable films in John J. York’s career?
John J. York has featured in several films, including “Chattanooga Choo Choo,” “Night of the Creeps,” “Steel and Lace,” “Distortion,” and more. His versatile acting skills have been showcased in both television and film roles.